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LMP Strategy Group: Wednesday 8th September 2021 10am -12pm

Come along and make YOUR priorities a priority for LMP. “The most enjoyable strategy meeting you’ll attend this side of Christmas. No grids or Red Amber Green traffic light ratings. No Key Performance Indicators or milestones, and no-one hassling you to do stuff you’re not that bothered about” The Agenda and joining instructions can be found […]

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LMP Zoom Catch Up Tuesday 31st August 2021 12:30-13:45

It’s that time of year where we’re either rushed off our feet or twiddling our thumbs, right? Join other members of Leeds Migration scene during these dog days of summer to discuss (amongst other things) Afghan/Hong Kong resettlement in Leeds Hotel accomodation as initial accomodation – what next? Will there be more or fewer? Updates […]

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Women Only Vaccine Clinic – 25th August 2021

A women’s-only vaccine clinic will offer a private space for women to have their COVID-19 vaccine and discuss any questions or concerns with healthcare professionals: Venue: ASHA Neighbourhood Project, Stratford Street, Leeds, LS11 6JG Date: Wednesday 25 August, 9am-12.30pm Women living in the area, aged 18 and over, can receive their first or second dose […]

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Refugee and asylum seeker Mental Health survey, July 2021

The Leeds Clinical Commissioning  Group (CCG) are proposing increasing Community Mental Health services in Leeds and there is a Refugee and Asylum Seeker element. Fill the survey by clicking this link Please give your opinion on: how might mainstream services attract more Refugees and Asylum Seekers Whether you think the current Mental Health services providing […]

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Entitlements to NHS services for migrants in England – Video resources

This animation, produced by NHS England, explains the entitlements to NHS services and to vaccination for migrants in England and is aimed at healthcare professionals who support migrants in their practice. Be sure to forward it on to folks you know 0:00 Introduction to Entitlements for Migrants 1:43 Section 2- Karman’s Story (case study provided […]

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