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Research survey for legal challenge on education delay faced by asylum-seeking children – Deadline 20th September 2024

[via Migration Yorkshire] Please see below from Garden Court Chambers, Public Law Project and Together with Migrant Children

Garden Court Chambers, Public Law Project and Together with Migrant Children have been awarded a Strategic Legal Fund grant to examine the issue of education delay facing school-age children placed in initial or dispersal asylum accommodation.

Based on our casework experience, we are worried that many asylum-seeking children are facing significant delays to accessing school places after being placed in asylum support accommodation.

This survey is to gather data from organisations that support asylum-seeking children on their experience of delays in accessing school places. We are requesting that all organisations working with asylum-seeking children (in any capacity) submit the survey even if they have not experienced delay to education provision (this will only take a couple of minutes). We anticipate that the full survey will take around 10-15 minutes of your time to complete (depending on your experience of the issue).

If you have any questions or require any assistance to complete the survey, please do not hesitate to email us at [email protected] or call us on 07985153531. Please feel free to share the survey with other relevant organisations or someone in your organisation with more relevant experience.

We are asking people to submit the survey by 20 September 2024. If you cannot meet this deadline, but you would still like to submit data – please do contact us to discuss.


If you would like a copy of the resulting research report on this issue – please be sure to include your contact details. THANK YOU so much for your time in assisting us with this research, and we are sending solidarity at this time.

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