It’s that time of year where we’re either rushed off our feet or twiddling our thumbs, right?
Join other members of Leeds Migration scene during these dog days of summer to discuss (amongst other things)
- Afghan/Hong Kong resettlement in Leeds
- Hotel accomodation as initial accomodation – what next? Will there be more or fewer?
- Updates on the Leeds Hardship Fund
- If anyone fancies joining the LMP Strategy Group that’s scheduled for at 10am on 8th September 2021 to discuss the Leeds Migration Strategy 2021-25
As usual, we hope to be joined by reps from Asylum Help, Mears Housing and Migration Yorkshire – so they’ll be on first but, to be honest, what makes these meetings interesting is the way they reflect the conerns of the people who show up.
Please note the Zoom link
Code: 12345 (If prompted)
Meeting ID (If prompted) 784 529 8047
Thanks everyone, and see you there, we hope
Ali, Karen, Jon and Daniel from LMP
This is a meeting of the LMP Operations Group, the fortnightly lunchtime session, where
- anyone can turn up,
- we have a general chat about what’s up in Leeds
- share new stuff
[…] document has been put together in haste – following a discussion at Tuesday’s LMP Ops meeting – so apologies to any orgs who have been missed […]