The Leeds Migration Partnership brings together organisations from across Leeds talk about issues around refugees, asylum seekers, and other migrant groups.
We’re a mixture of voluntary, community, and statutory organisations, and the people who come are usually directly involved in providing services to people.
Our Aim
To help make Leeds a welcoming and supportive place for Migrants – bringing together individuals, groups and organisations to meet, think and share information, and ensuring that the voices of Migrants are heard and influence the people in charge.
Voice and Influence
Everything we talk about and do should be linked to the concerns of Migrant communities in Leeds. Our members will help us to achieve this by always being clear about what we are doing, and why.
The 3 Partnership Groups
Members will join one or more of the Information, Operations or Strategy Groups. Each group has a different role to play in achieving our aims.
Who can get involved?
All three Partnership groups are open to anyone who shares our aims but each Group will expect different levels of commitment and contribution from their members.
How are our priorities decided?
The Strategy Group will recommend 3 or 4 priorities for action/influence based on the concerns of the wider membership. Members will then agree these by consensus and review them each year.