Key items were3 the discussion of th Casey Review on Integration4 the Migrant Health Strategy5 the briefing on Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children
Archive | December, 2016
Healthcare cards for people having problems registering with GPs
via Lorna at RAA New healthcare cards which remind GP receptionists that people do not need to show a particular immigration status, fixed address or ID have been published by the Healthy London Partnership. 10,000 cards will be delivered to shelters, day centres, drop in centres and other organisations across London from Friday 16 December. Flyers […]
DWP Pilot and NHS Charging Consultation via Still Human Still Here
via Mike at SHSH Further health consultation The Department of Health is asking for views on proposed amendments to the National Health Service (Charges to Regulations) 2015. These relate to the coming into force of the Immigration Act 2016 and the charging exemptions that currently apply to those in receipt of S95 & S4 support; […]
Minutes/Papers from Leeds Migration Partnership Meeting 7th December 2016
These have all now been posted to the LMAM Dropbox – please note the documents under 5 (local service updates), 6 (legal updates) and 7 (trafficking reporting) that were not circulated in advance. [outofthebox dir=”/Leeds MultiAgency Meeting Website/Meetings/Leeds Migration Partnership/2016/6 December Papers” mode=”files” viewrole=”administrator|editor|author|contributor|subscriber|guest” downloadrole=”administrator|editor|author|contributor|subscriber|guest”]
Refugee Week 2017 theme announced: “Our Shared Future”
The theme of Refugee Week 2017 will be Our Shared Future – and will happen 19-25 June – where we will celebrate everything our diverse communities have built, and imagine tomorrow together. How will you celebrate Our Shared Future at your arts venue, school, workplace, library or place of worship? Click here for more info
Vacancy: Project Worker (Volunteers and Social Media) – 24k – Stop Hate
Help to monitor the DWP ‘warm handover’
From Lorna at RAA In the last LMP meeting there was a quick discussion about the DWP ‘warm handover’ rollout across the region, a measure aimed to address issues with the transition period between NASS support and mainstream benefits. After speaking to a colleague in the North East who’s been working with the local NE […]
Free food & clothes – Vegan Feast every 3rd Thursday at Mill Hill, 6pm-8pm
In association with the Mill Hill Chapel and Project SOS Homelessness Leeds the Interfaith Vegan Alliance presents The Great Vegan Feast which welcomes anyone and everyone experienceing social exclusion or affected by poverty (such as those #SleepingRough, #Refugees, #AsylumSeekersand #Migrants) to come enjoy some good wholesome plant based food for optimum nutrition and good health. […]
LGBT+ refugees: An overview of law and procedure
Allan Briddock of the UK Lesbian & Gay Immigration Group has written an overview of the law and procedure relating to people claiming asylum on the basis of a well-founded fear of persecution due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. It gives the historical background and looks at the changes over time. It discusses […]
Hiddent Talents – Supporting Refugees into NHS Careers
Do you know any current/former NHS or Social Care Staff who might be able to offer an hour a week to support a refugee to find their feet in an NHS apprenticeship? Growing Points ( is actively looking for new Guardians to work with us on our Hidden Talents project. Guardians mentor each client […]
Govt statement on asylum accommodation
again via Mike at Still Human, Still here On 8 December 2016, The Minister of State for Immigration, Robert Goodwill MP, announced in a written statement (HCWS335) that the current accommodation contracts will be extended until 2019. For full details go to:
Q3 2016 asylum stats
Update from Mike at Still Human, Still Here Applications: In Q3, there were 7,146 asylum applications, compared with 7,810 in Q2 Decisions: There were 6,067 initial decisions in Q3, of which 23% were grants of asylum (1,426) and 2% were grants of HP/DL (140). This compares with 6,185 initial decisions in Q2, of […]