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Call for people whose first language is not English to share their experience of health & care – 26th January 2021

The next Inclusion for All meeting will take place on Tuesday 26th January from 10.00am-12.30pm and start taking a closer look at the experiences of people with English as a second language. Inclusion for All is a citywide initiative led by Healthwatch Leeds putting inclusion and accessibility into all areas of health and care. More information […]

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University of Hull MA TESOL Scholarship for refugees

Northern Dairies MA TESOL Masters Scholarship Applicants are invited to apply for a Scholarship to study a Masters in Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages (TESOL) at the University of Hull: The Scholarship covers tuition fees, starting in January 2021. Applicants must be of ‘refugee status’ under UKBA/Home Office regulations. The person benefitting […]

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Trinity Language Access Fund – £250 per learner, £2k per group

Trinity College London is pleased to announce the launch of the Language Access Fund.  Helping English language exam candidates with: Exam Fees Contributions towards the cost of lessons Contributions towards the costs of equipment or materials needed Exam venue hire Travel to an exam venue Grant value: Up to £2,000 per group. Up to £250 […]

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Leeds City Council’s Strategic Migration Board: Summary Notes – 3rd December 2020

The Leeds City Council’s Strategic Migration Board met on Thursday 3rd December 2020. The meeting theme was education and a summary of the meeting is available to read below. The next Leeds Strategic Migration Board will be held 11th March 2021 and the meeting theme will be Asylum and the UK immigration system. If you […]

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LMP Strategy Meeting Notes – 27th November 2020

The notes from the LMP strategy group meeting on the 27th November 2020 are available below. Many of you will have heard already that Pauline Ellis has retired from her role in the Leeds City Council’s Communities team. Her contribution to the LMP has been incredibly valuable over the last 6 years, in helping link […]

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What is happening in Leeds over Christmas for Asylum Seekers, Refugees and other Migrants? Short meeting at 12:00 on 17th Dec 2020

Christmas 2020 is going to be especially difficult for many households – and many of the traditional activities (shared lunches and social events) simply won’t be possible.  The current Tier system is due to be revised on Wednesday 16th December 2020 – and the outcome of this may also impact on what support is possible […]

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LMP Strategy Group Meetings for 2021

The LMP Strategy group meeting dates have been confirmed for 2021 for you to book in your diaries: Wednesday 10th February 2021(10am-12pm) Wednesday 12th May 2021 (10am-12pm) Wednesday 8th September 2021 (10am-12pm) Wednesday 24th November 2021 (10am-12pm) Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, all meetings are currently planned to be held virtually. We will share the […]

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LMP Strategy Group meeting – Wednesday 25th November 2020 10am–12pm

We  invite you to attend the next LMP Strategy Group meeting on Wednesday the 25th November, the meeting agenda is attached below. Hannah Davies from Health Watch will be attending the meeting to share information about the report Health Watch due to be released about digital inclusion/exclusion. The partnership will discuss the opportunities and challenges […]

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Hosted by Totaal