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URGENT: Evidence for Leeds submission to APPG on Ending Homelessness for NRPF

The Leeds Migration Partnership Strategy Group are responding to a call from APPG on Ending Homelessness for evidence relating to Migrants who have no recourse to public funds (see link below). 

The deadline for submitting evidence is next Wednesday 28th Feb, so because of the tight timeframe Ruth from PAFRAS and Jon from LASSN are coordinating the response on behalf of LMP the LMP Strategy Group.  

If you are able to send us your thoughts, examples etc on the following by Friday that would be much appreciated: we’ve set up a google doc for people to add their thoughts/comments on

  • what the causes and consequences of homelessness among this group are;
  • what usually happens when migrants with NRPF approach authorities for help (both in terms of families with children who the LA has a duty of care towards and single homeless people);
  • examples of best practice; and recommendations for how we can tackle migrant homelessness.

We’ll circulate the paper around LMP Strategy Group (and anyone else who has contributed) for comments before it is submitted on 28th.


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