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Notes from Leeds MultiAgency Meeting, January 9th 2017


Ghezae (Red Cross), Catherine (Manuel Bravo), Lorna (Y&H RAA), Richard (Ref Council), Paula (Hammla), Lizzie (Ashiana), Liz (Migration Yorkshire), Sanjeev (PAFRAS), John (Touchstone), Anne (Solace), Nola (Freelance Trainer), Marvina (Angels of Youth), Gina (Connect for Health), Roger (RETAS), Mikalos (Leeds Beckett), Ali (LRF), Andrew (LRF), Riley (LASSN), John (York Street Medical Practice), Ruth (PAFRAS and Chair)


  • Jon Beech (LASSN), Mary (City of Sanctuary), Emma (Simpson Millar)

Outstanding actions from last meeting. 

  • Paula from Haamla midwives team along with PAFRAS and Red Cross to continue collate case studies of pregnant women experiencing dispersal and destitution. Bill from Migration Yorkshire still offering to raise this with the Home Office.
  • It was noted that previous minutes (from meeting held 03/10/16) need amending. Lizzie Lowenstein from Ashiana and Liz Maddocks from Migration Yorkshire were both present.

Mental Health and Advocacy

  • John Halsall Touchstone. Fed back on a multi-agency event held 24/11/16 regarding mental health and advocacy for Refugees and people seeking asylum. A report from the event has been produced and is available. John is inviting feedback on the report and whether anything is missing by 13/01/17. The report can include service and experiences amongst children and young people. Catherine Ward (Mental Health Commissioner) has offered to take the report to the next mental health board meeting. John has offered to coordinate sharing and problem solving meetings if organisations have any specific challenges in this area (for example accessing interpreters). 
  • Catherine from Manual Bravo shared concerns about mental health in response to cases where clients have opened up about their mental health with case workers as they have gone further into the asylum process.  Manual Bravo and LASSN are exploring the idea of arranging training for befrienders and legal case workers and volunteers to respond appropriately to clients and support around mental health during the asylum process, in a way that is both helpful for the client and their case. 
  • Anne from Solace highlighted the need for more help with transport costs / weekly bus tickets so that clients can access the groups and services available across the city that help improve emotional wellbeing. Anne also highlighted the lack of translation services available when accessing welfare rights support and that there is a gap for advocacy support in this area. 
  • Solace, Manuel Bravo and PAFRAS agreed to meet after the meeting to explore further.
  • Nola Ellen (freelance trainer) shared that she has written and delivered an ‘advocacy skills for volunteers’ training package for LASSN and SARSVL. It’s refugee specific. It’s a 4 hour training course and it’s available for other organisations who may engage volunteers. This may help address this gap.
  • John from Touchstone mentioned that Catherine (from Community Development Team) also offer training around mental health awareness. 

Liz Maddocks, Update Migration Yorkshire

  • Circulated Local Migration Profile (December 2016) on statistics and trends from our region.  
  • Changes arising from the changes to Immigration Act May 2016. Key changes affecting communities:
    • banks are now carrying out additional checks which can make opening new accounts more challenging.
    • Still no news on revoking of section 4 support. Anticipating updates soon. The key concern will be what the transition arrangements will look like for those currently on S4.
  • Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children
    • If anyone has concerns relating to young people who have arrived under Dubs or Dublin lll please contact Dinah Becket who is collating all information and liaising with the Home Office.
    • Some children and young people (approximately 30) have arrived to Leeds in December under family reunion (Dublin) from France after the closing of the camp in Calais. There will be a meeting tomorrow at RETAS between key voluntary sector and other agencies along with social care to discuss what level of support social care are providing to these children. This has arisen after children and families have presented at PAFRAS and RETAS for support.  
    • Social care have been conducting viability assessments on families / properties and often deem placements as appropriate but there is a lack of support there after around linking children and families to appropriate support.
    • Manual Bravo shared they don’t usually work with young people however there seems to be a lack of legal aid funding and access to legal support. Please let Manual Bravo know if this is the case.
    • Anne from Solace asked for update on plans to open a reception centre for UASCs in Bradford. Plans for this have halted for now. 
  • Syrian Resettlement 
    • 463 people currently settled in our region. The last families to arrive came in October 2016. The next will arrive in January 2017. On track.
    • £10 million available across England for ESOL for Syrians. This will address sensitive issues of barriers for women accessing ESOL services. 
  • Controlling Migration Fund has been launched, which the local authority will lead on in partnership with voluntary sector. 
  • New payment cards – Migrant Help are offering support around this. If organisations are coming across any emerging trends / challenges with these cards, please inform Migrant Help who will feed back to the Home Office. 
  • Body Cameras worn by G4S Housing Welfare Officers  
    • Letter informing clients of the use of cameras went out in December. Migration Partnership raised concerns with G4S who agreed to revise the wording of the letter.   It would seem letters have not yet gone out to clients in Leeds but G4S workers have started using cameras. Concerns relating to whether and how clients have been informed. All to inform Migration Partnership of any concerns and incidents relating to the use of Body Cameras.
    • Marvina from Angels of Youth said an awareness raising video is being produced for young people about the use of body cameras and suggested this could also be showed to clients.
    • Lorna Gledhill shared that two MPs from our region have raised this with the HO.  Lorna suggested a letter of concern is pulled together from all voluntary sector organisations. 

Lorna Gledhill – Regional Asylum Activism

  •  ‘Move on Pilot‘ where Asylum Help call people who have recently been granted refugee status. They offer to help people make an appointment with the Job centre.
    • Please let Lorna know if people are getting this help and their experiences so she can feed back to the HO about the effectiveness of resources being used in this way and whether alternative / additional support is whats needed.
  • RETAS have applied for some funding to support people through the 28 days of transitioning from asylum to mainstream support.
  • Health Bill expected later this year which will include changes to fees attached to health care. Regional asylum activism will be pushing for concessions for certain groups, for example pregnant women.
  • Lorna’s last enquiry will be launched in February and there are some funds to take a few people down to parliament.
  • Right to Work – there will be a debate this week in Parliament regarding this. Lorna will do a brief.
  • ASAP have funding to deliver new training – please visit their website for further information

Comms and Updates

  • Ghezae from Red Cross – providing case work, men’s group, family tracing, family reunion services. Please contact for further information Highlighted delays in people getting national insurance numbers which holds up benefits claims. There is a specific number you can call for help – 0800 055 6688  Online applications tricky without NI number. The Red Cross,  RETAS and PAFRAS will have a meeting with the social justice team from the DWP and job centre to discuss this. It’s now a lot harder for clients to open bank accounts. Halifax, Yorkshire Bank and Leeds Credit Union seem to be a lot more flexible. 
  • Gina Adams from Connect for Health have information on their new signposting service for people aged 14 plus living in the east or south of the city. Please see service leaflet. Can take new cases. Can do home visits or meet people in the community. 
  • Catherine from Manual Bravo – MB are taking new cases.
  • David Pattison updated that WYDAN – Winter Shelter has opened. 7 people have been accommodated so far. Please link with Katrina, or Red Cross or PAFRAS around this service. 
  • Richard Orton from The Refugee Council – Syrian resettlement team are preparing for new arrivals this month. Still having problems accessing school places and the lack of interpreters in the NHS.  Children’s Panel has expanded with three new starters, including a age disputes case worker. Will be taking new referrals for separated minors. Please see website or contact Delphine. 
  • Nola Ellen (freelance) offering child refugee awareness workshops to staff and children in schools and other settings. Has recently received funding to expand ‘Hearts and Hopes’ project which connects children in the UK with children living in refugee camps. Would like to develop this locally where children in Leeds are connected to support and welcome new arrival child refugees. Please make contact via Nola’s website if interested. 
  • Recommended ‘The Lightless Sky’ by Gulwali Passarlay. Gulwali will be coming to launch his book and give a talk 7th March 7pm at Headingley Library. 
  • Riley from LASSN – English at home are matching clients from waiting list and will be open to new referrals in February / March. 
  • Michalis Kakos from the school of education and childhood at Beckett University. Currently researching the inclusion of refugee children in education as part of a competitive study alongside several other EU countries. Also involved in a second piece of research looking at migrant parental involvement in children’s education. Information to be sent out via the multi agency blog. 
  • Ali from Leeds Refugee Forum. Have received new funding for hardship fund. Able to give out 18 payments per week. Would like to give a food parcel with this. Will link with PAFRAS around this. 
  • Marvina from Angels of Youth.  Young people interested in leading some events and working in collaboration with agencies. Marvina invited all to participate in an event that highlights the positive contribution of migrants. Marvina will send more information out via the multiagency blog.
  • Lizzie from Ashiana project. Specialist service working with trafficked women. Women do not need to be linked to the NRM. Lizzie is covering Leeds and can take new cases. Will open a new drop in service which will be promoted as an advocacy service. Please contact Lizzie for more information. 

The next meeting will be held – 27th March, 10-12 at LRF

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