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Links to Leeds City Council Executive and Scrutiny Reports on Migration between September 2015 and October 2016

An excellent digest of Leeds City Council papers relating to Migration and Destitution over the last year, compiled by Fahreen Syeda

  1. Migration and Refugee Update Leeds Position – Sept/Oct 2015

Item 7 of the papers in the link below, called Migration and Refugee Update Leeds Position, is the October Scrutiny report, which includes the September Executive Report at Appendix 2

The minutes relating to this meeting are at item 4 on the following link:

  1. Syrian Relocation Programme Feb 2016

Scrutiny then had further discussions in Feb around the Syrian Refugee Relocation programme, item 9.  Appendix 1 of this has key messages that we used to provide evidence to people when they queried specific issues in relation to service provision and refugees/asylum seekers:

Minutes at item 62:

  1. Scrutiny working group summary note March 2016

This outlines the discussions by Scrutiny and provides recommendations, at item 9.  The paper was a little late and so is contained in the second link, referenced in the first:

Minutes at item 71:

  1. Responses to Scrutiny Working Group recommendations Sept 2016

Item 7 gives the responses to the recommendations made by Scrutiny in March:

  1. Strategic and Coordinated Response to Migration in Leeds Sept 2016

This Executive Report recommends the action identified in the Scrutiny recommendations to establish a strategic body for migration, at item 7: 

  1. City of Sanctuary Sept 2016

This Executive Report highlights work that shows Leeds is a City of Sanctuary, and outlines key challenges at item 8

  1. Strong and Resilient Communities – A Refreshed Approach to Delivering Cohesion and Prevent Across the City

This Executive report gives an update on the approach to strong and resilient communities at item 9

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