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A slightly edited version of Asylum Matters’ Newsletter: New Refugee Resettlement Pledge, NACCOM Move-on report etc

In our continued effort to generate a crease and desist notice from Asylum Matters for ripping off their content, LMP presents their last newsletter in (almost) its entirety. Anyway, please please please subscribe to this newsletter directly by emailing [email protected]  We promise to stop, once there’s a way to link to this info directly. Honest. […]

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Massive Briefing from Asylum Matters – Asylum Stats for Q1 2019, NHS Health Charging stuff, trafficking research and local info too

A huge post from Asylum Matters, only slightly redacted. Well worth it – local stuff at the bottom National updates Asylum Statistics: January to March 2019 Home Office Abandons Six-Month Target for Asylum Claims Access to Healthcare Resources from the Equalities and Human Rights Commission Patients not Passports Toolkit *missing* ARC & Asylos Research: Albania: Trafficked […]

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Opinion/Research: No room at the inn: How easy is it for nomadic Gypsies and Travellers to access primary care?

Jon from LASSN writes “We all know the difficulties some migrant community members face when trying to access GPs and Primary Care. Depressingly, this is also the case for Gypsies and Travellers too (as well as people who are homeless or who are sex workers.) As the authors of this report state: “by putting the […]

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Resource of the week #65: Comparing online fundraising platforms

Now that BTMydonate is ceasing trading in June 2019, a number of organisations are weighing up their alternatives. There are any number of articles comparing the various offers but here are some of the better ones – one of the more recent roundups – in September 2018 – very well laid out and a good […]

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Massively short notice of an event: Seeking your input for Migrant Help new advice contract consultation – 13th February

via Mary at Asylum Matters I’ve been invited by Migration Yorkshire to attend a consultation/discussion event with Migrant Help on the new AIRE contract and I want to make sure I am raising the concerns of the voluntary sector and wider community at the event so they can be taken into account in the development of […]

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Resource of the week #60: Unlocking Detention’s “Home Office Phrasebook”

Unlocking Detention have produced a great opinion/think piece called “Your pocket Home Office phrasebook: A dialect of dehumanisation.” It’s a polemical piece that some people might disagree with – but it’s a useful and timely reflection on the language we use about the people we work alongside. Click on the link, or the picture below  […]

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If Immigration Enforcement pay your organisation a visit: asylum seekers’ rights and responsibilities whilst volunteering

The following is an opinion piece by Jon Beech, Director of LASSN and should not be read as legal advice issued by the LMP to its members. Please direct any comments or questions to [email protected] directly LASSN have heard about an unfortunate  – hopefully isolated – incident in the last week where a voluntary organisation had […]

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Sanctuary in Parliament 2018 – write to your MP

via Leeds City Of Sanctuary Sanctuary in Parliament 2018 will soon be upon us  You can find more info about this years event here and also read about past SiPs here and here.  It’s a great opportunity to engage with our MPs on refugee issues and influence their decision making processes to ensure the UK is […]

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The National Conversation on Immigration – Findings on Refugee Protection

This content was stolen from City of Sanctuary’s October Newsletter  British Future and Hope not Hate have recently published their final report on ‘The National Conversation on Immigration’ – the biggest-ever public consultation on immigration and integration.  City of Sanctuary have posted a brilliant summary if its findings on their website  – but if you want […]

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Leeds Migrant Health Board – update on Priorities

via Jon at LASSN The Leeds Migrant Health Board – is next due to meet on Wednesday 7th November at 2pm. I will be going on behalf of the Leeds Migration Partnership You’ll remember the first Migrant Health Board priority was to get some clarity on how the Charging Regs for Overseas Visitors would be implemented in […]

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