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Archive | Destitution & Housing

Asylum Statistics, March 24 – House of Commons Library research briefing

Here’s a comprehensive digest of the reported numbers of people seeking refuge in the UK. It’s a really good and accessible guide btw, and there’s a helpful summary on the front page if the full 36 page report feels a bit daunting.   Importantly, the numbers and stats in these briefings (prepared by Civil Servants) […]

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Government consultation on reforms to social housing allocations – closes 27th March 2024

As referenced in the Asylum Matters Update on 13.02.24 the Government has launched a consultation on proposals to amend social housing rules, including on a proposed ‘UK connection test’ where a person would have to demonstrate their connection to the UK by being lawfully resident for ten years before being allocated social housing. The consultation […]

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Leeds City Council Consultation: Housing Lettings Policy – closes 28th March 2024

Leeds City Council are consulting on the proposed changed to the lettings policy in Leeds. Considerations include making changes to who can join the housing register and how homes are let due to the increased demand for social housing. This consultation is open for contributions until Thursday 28 March 2024. Please note, this has […]

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Asylum Matters Update 29th Feb 2024

Advocacy and campaigning initiatives Rwanda  The Safety of Rwanda Bill has now completed its line by line scrutiny via Committee Stage in the House of Lords.  Amendments were proposed around compliance with domestic and international law,  jurisdiction of domestic courts, the consideration of religious beliefs when determining if Rwanda is a safe country, and safeguarding and promoting the welfare […]

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Asylum Matters Update – 31st January 2024

Remember – you can subscribe to these updates directly by contacting [email protected] Advocacy and campaigning initiatives Rwanda The Safety of Rwanda Bill had its Second Reading in the House of Lords on 29 January, with peers voting for the Bill to proceed despite strong criticism from across the House. The Bill will now go to […]

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Leeds City Council’s Asylum Flyer as a Google doc – instant translation with Google translate.

Some of you will remember the excellent Asylum Decisions flyer produced by Leeds Council for asylum seekers who have to leave their NASS accommodation (ie a Home Office/Mears Hotel). Here is the original post on LMP last year.   We’ve reproduced it here as a Google document, which means you can email or text it to […]

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Asylum Matters update 17.01.24 – advocacy, campaigns and resources

reposted from Asylum Matters Advocacy and campaigning initiatives Rwanda  The Government’s Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill has returned to the House of Commons this week, with the Prime Minister experiencing a significant rebellion from 60 of his backbenchers. Tory rebels are seeking to amend the bill to make it harder for people seeking […]

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Factors to consider before signposting a customer to apply for a Bond or Rent in Advance (RIA) through Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) – January 24

This is an excellent summary for Housing Advisers about accessing Discretionary Housing Payments from our friends at Leeds Housing Options. It’s a bit technical, but so are all aspects of housing payments to people on low incomes (alas). Given the current pressure on accessing private rented accomodation for new refugees, this info could not have […]

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Important things to do when you receive your Refugee Status – a briefing sheet Jan24

Although many of us who meet and support homeless Refugees are not resettlement experts, we have a role in helping people to understand how and when to access Universal Credit, Housing Options and Bank Accounts.  This document was compiled by Jon Beech at LASSN, primarily for use by volunteers. The information in this document has been […]

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Big Issue Article on homeless refugees in Leeds, Dec 23

Link: Homeless refugees in Leeds soar due to Home Office evictions – The Big Issue The number of refugees homeless in Leeds after being evicted from Home Office accommodation has skyrocketed in the wake of the government’s new asylum policies. A total of 70 households became homeless from August to October, The Big Issue has found, […]

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Support for refugees, asylum seekers and other migrants over Christmas 2023

Telephone support Migrant Help telephone advice and guidance for asylum support, and repairs issues is now open 24/7 – 0808 8010 503   To report a problem to Migrant Help/Mears, check the email address list. Also check (what Migrant Help can and cannot help with) Refugee Council’s Telephone infoline – 0808 196 7272 is open Monday and Thursdays between 9.30 am and 12.30 […]

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Asylum support rates – from January 2024

Asylum support rates The Government have announced that asylum support rates will be changing on 8th January 2024. ASAN have reported that the key changes are: An increase of standard weekly payments from £47.39 to £49.18. A reduction of weekly payments to those in catered accommodation (hotels etc) from £9.58 to £8.86 An increase of […]

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