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Vacancy: Director: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Lives (OPEL) 41k

Big job in #thatLondon

The Ordinary People, Extraordinary Lives (OPEL) is a new project that brings together & builds on the successful work of Still Human Still Here & Regional Asylum Activism (RAA).

OPEL will support local organisations & networks to inform & change attitudes about asylum seekers & refugees & campaign for positive change to the asylum system. By mobilising & coordinating local, regional & national advocacy work, the project will increase the impact of campaigns to secure improvements in asylum policy & practice. In this way, OPEL will seek to drive forward & secure the eight goals identified at the Sanctuary Summit in November 2014.

For full details and the application pack go to:  City of Sanctuary website and return your application to [email protected]

It’s a full time post, based in London (£41,062 per annum + pension). Closing date for applications is 9 am on Monday 26 September. Interviews in London on 11 October. 


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