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Safeguarding Adults Training

Apologies to all those who booked on the recent Safeguarding Adults with No Recourse to Public Funds training, that was cancelled at short notice.

Changes in the way Leeds Safeguarding Adults Partnership are delivering their training mean that courses of this type will no longer be available. 

However we are informed that: 

Level 1 and 2 are delivered by LCC Organisational Development advisors, and these courses are open to both staff and external partners

You can access these courses by phoning 0113 378 5274 and saying that you work in the third sector and want to go on the safeguarding course (and say which level).  You should then be given a log in to the PAL system and be able to book yourself on this.

Please get in touch with Anne McMaster at LCC Communities Team or Jon Beech at LASSN if you have any problems with this 

Here’s a copy of the Level 1 Training Slides from the last Session

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