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Q3 2016 asylum stats

Update from Mike at Still Human, Still Here
In Q3, there were 7,146 asylum applications, compared with 7,810 in Q2
There were 6,067 initial decisions in Q3, of which 23% were grants of asylum (1,426) and 2% were grants of HP/DL (140). This compares with 6,185 initial decisions in Q2, of which 29% were grants of asylum (1,794) and 1% were grants of HP/DL (49).
Pending cases
There were 21,173 cases pending initial decision at the end of Q3 (of which 8,278 were over 6 months old). This compares with 20,361 cases pending initial decision at the end of Q2 (of which 6,637 were over 6 months old).
In Q3, 3,129 appeals were received and 3,317 were determined, 41% were allowed (1,368).
In Q2, 3,123 appeals were received and 2,936 were determined, 46% were allowed (1,359).
Asylum Support
At the end of Q3, 37,958 asylum seekers were supported (2,704 subsistence only, 35,254 dispersed acc), compared with 37,030 asylum seekers were supported (2,663 subsistence only, 34,367 dispersed acc) in Q2. At the end of Q3, 2,441 were receiving S4 support, compared with 2,419 at the end of Q2


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