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No Accomodation Network: “Prompt your MP to contact the new Home Secretary”

via lucy @naccom

As you’ll be aware, last week Amber Rudd became our new Home Secretary. Her position creates an opportunity for new channels of communication between refugee/asylum support services and the Home Office and we think NACCOM has an important role in this.

With the support of Still Human Still Here, we have put together the attached model letter for MPs. The letter invites MPs to ask Amber Rudd to commit to establishing a national refugee integration strategy for all refugees in England and Wales, regardless of how they arrived here.

The aim of the letter is to increase awareness within the Home Office and at a local level amongst MPs about the level of support for sanctuary seekers across the country. As you may know, MPs are obliged to respond to constituents and so it is important that letters are written from personal addresses and signed by individuals.

If you would like to be part of this call to action, please download and amend/personalise the letter as appropriate (see sections in red) before sending off to your local MP (to find out who they are please click here)

Please share with others within your local area/project as well, as the more letters are sent, the louder the message of support.

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