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Leeds Transport Consultation

Here’s your chance to say what you think about transport in Leeds – how well does it work for you? The people you know?

“Transport is a fundamental component of what makes a strong economy as well as a compassionate and liveable city. Our vision is for Leeds to be a fair, open and welcoming city with a transport system that helps all our communities to be successful.  Leeds is embarking on the city’s largest ever conversation with its residents, businesses and visitors about transport.  We want to know how you feel about transport in Leeds so we can use this to develop our future transport strategy and plans for transport investment across the city.
With the promise of an additional £173.5m from government for public transport improvements, the Council is developing additional plans for further improving transport. This conversation will help inform our bid to government in the autumn. Future conversations are planned to further develop our transport strategy for Leeds, taking full account of the views of partners and local communities in re-shaping this vision into one owned by the city.
This is the first part of our city wide conversation and the online survey will be open until 20th September 2016. Please scroll down the link at the bottom of the page to start the survey which takes between 5 – 10 minutes to complete.”

Deadline for submissions is 20th September



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