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Leeds BME Hub Health & Wellbeing Event – Notes from the 16th May

The Leeds BME Hub Health and Well-being Hub event took place on Monday 16 May.

The event focused on Health & Wellbeing in BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) communities, looking at current activity, identification of gaps and the role the BME Hub would have in supporting this work.

This report summarises the discussions that took place and concludes with a series of recommendations that aim to address the key outcomes.

Report from the day

The date of the next BME Hub meeting is Tuesday 6 September, 1.30pm – 3.30pm and will focus on Education. More details to follow nearer the time.

If you have any questions about the report or would like to find out more about the Leeds BME Hub please contact Annette Morris on 0113 297 7920 or [email protected]


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