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Help to monitor the DWP ‘warm handover’

From Lorna at RAA

In the last LMP meeting there was a quick discussion about the DWP ‘warm handover’ rollout across the region, a measure aimed to address issues with the transition period between NASS support and mainstream benefits. After speaking to a colleague in the North East who’s been working with the local NE Migration Partnership to monitor and assess the efficiency of the pilot, I think it would be a good idea if we could do the same across Leeds.

It would be great if you could share these basic monitoring questions across the Leeds Migration Partnership so we can try to get a picture of the impact of this pilot on our ability to support new refugees in Leeds.

1) Number of new refugees contacted by Migrant Help
2) Number of new refugees who take up the offer of Migrant Help’s support
3) Number of new refugees who still experience benefit delays/problems

Of particular interest will be:
o Any examples that identify any pinch points / things that may have held up completion of a benefits application
o Any examples that identify pinch points/ issues that may have held up payment of benefits after an application is completed
o Whether you feel that the type and scale of requests for help presented to your organisation has altered after the 5th December

If, over the next 6 weeks, you come across any cases where someone granted Leave to Remain after 5th December has not managed to secure start-up of DWP benefits at the point where their Home Office support ends (i.e. within the 28 days move on window) please could you send a summary to [email protected]

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