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Free Forest School Sessions

Hi Everyone,

 I am very very excited to let you know that Leeds Dads are putting on their next set of Forest Schools. 

We have developed these sessions over the years and we get great feedback. 

 This email to you all is our invitation to you to help us raise awareness of these free fabulous fun activities. 

And whilst you may have seen that Leeds Dads has been struggling to keep going, we held funds back to run one more special set of Forest Schools – hoping, of course, that we are successful with future bids to continue what Leeds Dads does best.

 So for now, we have 3 Saturdays in June – 15th, 22nd, 29th 

2 sessions each day, 10am and 12 noon – the poster says it all!!

Please let me know soon if any of your own participants/service users/clients would make good use of our sessions – a great opportunity for Dads to explore and play alongside their children, and others, to be filled with wonder, to help to develop strong bonds and create lovely memories together. 

 My number is 07784 951318 and you have my email here, too. And I would love to hear from any of you soon – reply and let me know if and when you may be able to propose a Dad & children – that would be fabulous.

 And if the Dads have any trouble getting a ticket – please let me know, cos I will probably be able to reserve places.


 Lawrence Glyn

Project Manager, Leeds Dads

Mob – 07784 951318

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