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DWP Pilot and NHS Charging Consultation via Still Human Still Here

via Mike at SHSH

  1. Further health consultation

The Department of Health is asking for views on proposed amendments to the National Health Service (Charges to Regulations) 2015. These relate to the coming into force of the Immigration Act 2016 and the charging exemptions that currently apply to those in receipt of S95 & S4 support; whether exemptions should continue to apply to those in receipt of S4(2) support; and their intention to generally maintain charges for failed asylum seekers and other irregular migrants receiving government support. The deadline for responses is 20 January 2017.

  1. Update on DWP pilot

The DWP has issued an update on the Move on Pilot which started on 5 December in the North East of England (a DWP & UKVI joint initiative). Under the pilot those granted leave to remain will be contacted by Migrant Help (on behalf of UKVI) and asked whether they would like assistance with making an appointment with DWP. If they indicate they would, then UKVI will contact DWP on their behalf to make an appointment for them to attend their nearest DWP office and relay the details back to the individual concerned. 


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