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Asylum Statistics Q2 2016

via Mike at Still Human, Still Here


  • In Q2, there were 7,810 asylum applications, compared with 8,228 in Q1


  • There were 6,185 initial decisions in Q2, of which 29% were grants of asylum (1,794) and 1% were grants of HP/DL* (49).
  • This compares with 6,644 initial decisions in Q1, of which 30% were grants of asylum (1,963) and 1% were grants of HP/DL (52).

 Pending cases

  • There were 20,361 cases pending initial decision at the end of Q2 (of which 6,637 were over 6 months old).
  • This compares with 19,128 cases pending initial decision at the end of Q1 (of which 5,059 were over 6 months old).


  • In Q2, 3,123 appeals were received and 2,936 were determined, 46% were allowed (1,359).
  • In Q1, 2,960 appeals were received and 1,974 were determined, 43% were allowed (840).

Asylum Support 

  • At the end of Q2, 37,030 asylum seekers were supported (2,663 subsistence only, 34,367 dispersed acc), compared with 35,683 who were supported (2,748 subsistence only, 32,935 dispersed acc.) in Q1. 
  • At the end of Q2, 2,419 were receiving S4 support, compared with 2,366 at the end of Q1

*Humanitarian protection, Discretionary Leave

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