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Asylum seeking artists, story-tellers, photographers, video artists – be part of HOME? – Register your interest

People’s Voice Media and LASSN will be providing free digital skills training to asylum-seeking artists with a story to tell.

The HOME? project will train new migrants to document real-life experiences, looking at how people have settled in (or not) to their new homes, how migrant communities have contributed to the places they now live and much more. Interpreters and translators will be provided. 

These stories will then be showcased in the public arena at a variety of venues such as Museums, Libraries, Schools, Colleges, and Universities and we will be creating an animation to bring the key messages from the stories together, as well as a toolkit that will offer guidance in exploring migration in community and informal learning settings. Read more about the project here

Training will take place at St George’s Conference Centre in Leeds over 3 full days: Thursday 20th and Friday 21st October, and Thursday 27th October between 10.00 and 15.00

All expenses – food, travel and childcare will be covered for participants willing to commit to the full 3 days.  Spaces for this high-quality training are extremely limited, so please register your interest here.* We will let all applicants know if they have been successful by 5pm on Friday 14th October 2022

Participants will need to

  • Have lived in the UK for less than 5 years
  • Be available for all three training sessions: Thursday 20th and Friday 21st October, and Thursday 27th October between 10.00 and 15.00
  • Have a smartphone, or access to a smartphone
  • be willing to give permission for the stories they tell to be shared.  

The logo for HOME? - A purple background with yellow lettering in the style of neon lights with an illustration of a house in the place of the 'o'.

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