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Use of body cameras by G4S Welfare Staff

via Lorna at RAA

In December 2016 G4S announced that they would be equipping their Welfare Officers with body worn cameras. These cameras would be filming continuously whilst staff went about their duties in asylum accommodation, filming all interactions with accommodated clients. 

However, following significant pressure from the refugee third sector and local authorities, G4S have agreed to limit the use of body worn cameras by their staff. They have now instructed staff to only use cameras when they feel ‘threatened.’ You can read more about the change in practice in a recent Guardian article here – 

There are still ongoing discussions about the use of body worn cameras in general by G4S welfare officers – particularly around the retention of data, asylum seekers’ access to footage, and the communications surrounding the introduction of the policy. RAA will keep you all updated when further information comes to light. 

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