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Still Human, Still Here Papers: July 2016

An extraordinarily dense amount of info here – so here’s a summary of things that stood out

Action points from the SHSH Quarterly Meeting in July included info on

  • Impact of SHSH lobbying on Country Information Guidance
  • Outcome of Immigration Bill
  • DWP and payments to new Refugees, and impact of Universal Credit in North East
  • Update on what will replace Section 4: Section 96 (2)
  • Good practice on supporting homeless people who have no recourse to public funds (NRPF)
  • Expansion of Health Charging for Migrants & Overseas Visitors
  • Future direction of Govt Immigration Policy

NACCOM briefing for members on the Right to Rent aka immigration checks on Tenants

  • Types of letting are exempted
  • Proving you have “a right to rent”
  • The impact this may have on hosting schemes

Home Office Response to some specific questions from Voluntary and Community Groups working with refugees and asylum seekers including info on

  • Referrals of new asylum seekers by the Home Office (and their contractors) to local support providers
  • Payment arrangements, including delays, and back-payments owing to clients
  • The implementation of Universal Credit
  • Destitution created by Move On
  • Access to legal representation
  • Delays in S4 and S95
  • Delays in issuing HC2 documents
  • Delays to accessing health care following dispersal
  • and lots more besides

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