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New Eritrean Country Info Guidance – now known as Country Policy and Information Notes or CPINs

via Mike at Still Human, Still Here

On 10 October, new Country Guidance  on Eritrea was handed down (MST and Others  – national service – risk categories) UKUT 00443 (IAC).

The guidance reconfirms the key findings of risk from previous cases and states that “… it remains the case, as in MO that ‘(iv) The general position adopted in MA, that a person of or approaching draft and not medically unfit who is accepted as having left Eritrea illegally is reasonably likely to be regarded with serious hostility on return, is reconfirmed, subject to limited exceptions…'”.

The full determination can be accessed at

The Home Office has re-named its Country Information and Guidance (CIGs) documents as Country Policy and Information Notes – CPINs in response to comments made in this case.

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