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More Funding Opportunities from VAL

See below for current opportunities, and don’t forget to send details of any funding opportunities you hear about to [email protected]

***Last Chance*** Leeds North Third Sector Health Grants

Funding of between £5,000 and £25,000 for projects that build capacity to support the CCG’s Social Prescribing Service ‘Connect Well’ or meet specific Leeds North CCG priorities.  This could include developing or delivering services, establishing and maintaining partnerships and involving local people in community activities surrounding health and wellbeing.

Seeking Expressions of Interest by 3 November 2016. More information here.

Leeds Third Sector Funding Support Grant (see attachment below for details)

£35,000 available to support a programme of interventions that will facilitate financial sustainability in the third sector – specifically maximising the external funding brought into Leeds. This Fund is not to support individual organisations, but is focused on building on and developing the funding support infrastructure in the third sector. Closes 7 November 2016.

Baring Foundation’s Strengthening the Voluntary Sector Programme Re-Opens

The Baring Foundation has re-opened two funds under its Strengthening the Voluntary Sector programme. These funds aim to support registered UK charities to use the law and human rights based approaches effectively in their work. Funding is available through the following two funding streams: ‘Training, Education and Capacity Building’ and ‘Applied Projects’. The Foundation is running two webinar sessions during which potential applicants can ask questions. These sessions will be held on 16 November 2016 and 13 December 2016.

Details of how to join these will be available on the Baring Foundation website from 3 November 2016.

The deadline for applications is 23 January 2017 (5pm). More information here.

Leeds City Council, Community Committee Wellbeing fund 2017/18 (see attached FAQ document and application form below for details)

The Inner North West, Inner West and Outer West Community Committees are inviting applications to their Wellbeing grant fund for projects starting after 1 April 2017. Projects must be delivered within the communities the committees serve.  The application form and frequently asked questions are attached. These outline the priorities that the Community Committee would like to focus its funding on in 2017/18. 

The closing date for receipt of applications is Friday 13th January 2017 at 5pm. 

Woodward Charitable Trust’s Main Grants Scheme

The Autumn round is now open for application from UK registered charities with an annual income of less than £300,000. Small grants of between £100 and £5,000 and large grants of over £5,000. The Trustees favour small-scale, locally based initiatives.

The deadline for applications is 16 December 2016. Full criteria and more information here.

Community Business Bright Ideas Fund

Offering up to 15 days of tailored support and grants of up to £20,000 to develop their community business ideas. For community groups or organisations who want to set up a community business and require some support.

Closes 30 November 2016. More information here.

Building a Stronger Britain Together

In-kind support (such as social media training, technical assistance to help a group improve their website, or capacity building work to help a group protect more vulnerable individuals) for groups or organisations which counter extremism and build stronger communities.

Closes 9 December 2016 but bids considered on a first-come-first-served basis. More info here.

Children’s Targeted Short Breaks and Play Scheme Grants (see document below for details)

Grant funding for providers that currently deliver, or have an interest in delivering, targeted short breaks/play schemes to disabled children & young people from Leeds. Awarded to organisations based on the effectiveness and sustainability of their provision whilst developing a personalised approach to meet the needs of children, families and the city.

Closes 30 November 2016.

Ufi #ManufacturingSkillsFund

Fund to support innovative and creative ideas to use digital technology in ways that could change how vocational learning in manufacturing is delivered. Grants of between £50,000 and £100,000.

Application window: 26 October 2016 – 14 December 2016. More information here.

This list is not comprehensive, and there are many more opportunities available.

  • See the attached spreadsheet below: ‘Funding for projects in Leeds Oct 2016’ for VAL’s list of current funding or view it online here.
  • Browse all opportunities on the IDOX database here.
  • Check out the Doing Good Leeds website here, which is here to help third sector organisations access the best help and advice on running their organisation, as well as offering information about funding. It also aims to involve and inform people in the big issues affecting the third sector in Leeds. This website is managed by Voluntary Action Leeds (VAL) a charity that supports communities by helping people and organisations that do good in Leeds.
1. Application Form 1 MB
Children’s Targeted Short Breaks and Play Scheme Grants 14.6 KB
Frequently Asked Questions 0.9 MB
Funding for projects in Leeds Oct 2016 339.8 KB
Leeds Funding Support Grant 97.9 KB

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