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Leeds Strategic Migration Group – what’s that about?

The Leeds Strategic Migration Board is meeting this week (Tuesday 13 December)-  a week after the Leeds Migration Partnership.

“So what?” [we hear you ask] “and anyway, isn’t this the Leeds MultiAgency Meeting Blog?”

Well yes, it is. But at a time when there isn’t enough time or money to go around, it feels important to explain who’s who and how all these meetings and boards mesh together. Here’s a diagram taken from the Strategic Migration Board’s Terms of Reference  









The idea is that the info and concerns of the MultiAgency Meeting and Migration Partnership are both reflected at this meeting – where LCC Service Heads (and senior folk from Health) come together to talk talk tactics about how Leeds plans and responds to issues of Migration.    

The 3rd sector has 4 places on this board: two for the Migration Partnership Chair and Deputy (Jon Beech and Abdou Sidibe) and then 2 more. The intention has always been for the Agenda to be shared in advance and then a call made for  relevant 3rd Sector Reps to attend. So far, Lorna from Regional Asylum Activism has attended, although we hope everyone who is interested will get a chance to attend a meeting

Here are the papers for the next Strategic Migration Board Meeting which also includes some of the best info to date on the [international award winning] Migrant Access Project (including this video) 

[outofthebox dir=”/Leeds MultiAgency Meeting Website/Meetings/Leeds Strategic Migration Board/Dec 16 Papers” mode=”files” viewrole=”administrator|editor|author|contributor|subscriber|guest” downloadrole=”administrator|editor|author|contributor|subscriber|guest”]

I know it’s exceptionally short notice (we got the papers on Thursday)  – but if anyone has an interest in attending the meeting on Tuesday, please drop me a line at [email protected]  

Please note the future dates for 2017:  we promise we’ll share the next agendas as quickly as we get them.

Jon Beech, Chair of Leeds Migration Partnerhsip





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