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Leeds Migration Partnership 22nd Feb 2017 – Note change of venue

All the papers for the next LMP can be found here.

Wednesday 22nd February from 10-12noon


Please note there is a change of venue – Room RB263 at the Rose Bowl building, Leeds Beckett University. The Rose Bowl is located immediately behind Leeds Civic Hall – please see attached map. Room RB263 is on level two of the building, there is signage on each floor but if you are unsure please check at reception on the ground floor

As usual we have the room booked from 9.30am so people can have a bit of time to network and to ensure we can start the meeting on time

What’s going on – updates and information sharing

There is always so much information to share with the partners at the meeting so, to help with this agenda item we are going to try something a little different. When you arrive at the meeting a flip chart will be available for you to note any important news/updates/information you would like to share with partners – we can then make a judgement on time and prioritise those to cover at the meeting

Feel free to bring any information/flyers that people can pick up

[outofthebox dir=”/Leeds MultiAgency Meeting Website/Meetings/Leeds Migration Partnership/2017/February” mode=”files” viewrole=”administrator|editor|author|contributor|subscriber|guest” downloadrole=”administrator|editor|author|contributor|subscriber|guest”]

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