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Leeds Faith and Public Health Network event – 20th July 2016

The Leeds Faith and Public Health Network (LFPHN) is holding an open workshop in Leeds on the 20th July, 10-2pm (including lunch), at Roscoe Methodist Church, Francis Street LS7 4BY for Faith-Based organisations interested in providing out of hospital care in Leeds.

The workshop will feature a commissioner-led talk about local priorities and an interactive discussion, facilitated by FaithAction (a national network for Faith-based and community organisations The talk will be about the barriers and opportunities facing faith-based organisations when engaging in commissioning relationships. The event will be an opportunity to talk to FaithAction in more detail about future support that they may offer Leeds based organisations.

This workshop is open to everyone, but it is essential to book a place. If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Charlotte Abbott, [email protected] by the 10th July. Please let Charlotte know if you have any specific dietary requirements


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