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Hiddent Talents – Supporting Refugees into NHS Careers

Do you know any current/former NHS or Social Care Staff who might be able to offer an hour a week to support a refugee to find their feet in an NHS apprenticeship?  

Growing Points ( is actively looking for new Guardians to work with us on our Hidden Talents project. 

Guardians mentor each client through the application process for a place on a paid Apprenticeship with Leeds NHS Trust and if successful help them through the year to become a Clinical Care Worker. 

Guardians are helped in this work by attending workshops run by the Trust and by regular meetings with other Guardians. 

As we begin our second cohort in January 2017 and another planned for later in the year we need people ideally with some experience in the caring professions but certainly with some problem solving skills. Time is usually in the region of four hours a month.

Please contact Jane Rennie (Director Growing Points) [email protected] or Geraldine Clark (Lead Hidden Talents) [email protected] for further information on the work and how to apply.

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