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Free food & clothes – Vegan Feast every 3rd Thursday at Mill Hill, 6pm-8pm

In association with the Mill Hill Chapel and Project SOS Homelessness Leeds the Interfaith Vegan Alliance presents The Great Vegan Feast which welcomes anyone and everyone experienceing social exclusion or affected by poverty (such as those #SleepingRough, #Refugees, #AsylumSeekersand #Migrants) to come enjoy some good wholesome plant based food for optimum nutrition and good health. This takes place on the Third Thursday of Every Month at the Mill Chapel near Leeds City Square. Food is served from around 6:00PM

This event is open to anyone who would like to enjoy some great tasting cruelty free food and/or support the needy. Anyone who would like to support the initiative is encouraged to do so whether it be preparing, serving, or donating food, helping set the tables & chairs, cleaning up, donating some clothing, offering advice on benefits or immigration, or simply giving moral support to others.

People are also welcome (but not expected) to Pay As They Feel to help us raise funds to help us cover our expenses. We aim to be at the Chapel by 4:45pm so please feel free to come at any time from then on.

We also run an allotment on Hyde Park (Woodhouse Moor) where volunteers can help grow food for the feast. Anybody who would like to get involved with that please get in touch and/or ‘like’ us at: Community Kitchen Garden!

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