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Edited highlights of Asylum Matters newsletter: Family Reunion, Virtual Asylum Experience

via Andrea at Asylum Matters

Take Action: Private Members Bill on Family Reunion

Chris Bryant MP is top of the list to table a Private Members Bill and he’s opened it up to a public vote. One of the options is a Refugee Families Bill – ‘allowing refugee families to be reunited by expanding the definition of family members allowed to accompany refugees and giving refugee children the right to be reunited with their parents.’ Anyone can vote, not just his constituents, and the deadline is 7pm on Tuesday 11th July. You can vote here. Please do share this widely within your networks

Limbo: A Virtual Experience of Waiting for Asylum

The Guardian has produce a virtual reality film which tries to convey the experience of living in limbo and waiting for a decision on an asylum claim. The piece reflects the challenges faced by asylum-seekers “from arriving in an unfamiliar city to acute worry for loved ones left behind, concern about not being allowed to work, and the Home Office interview on which so much rides.” You can view the video here.

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