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Asylum Matters update, 7th June 2022

More updates from Asylum Matters Ongoing advocacy Linton-on-Ouse ‘accommodation centre’ Residents of Linton-on-Ouse, and their representatives have continued to campaign to stop the wholly unsuitable large-scale facility planned in their village. Following action by Hambleton District Council, the Yorkshire Post reported a delay to the Home Office’s plans on 30 May, stating that ‘no final […]

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Asylum Matters Update 10th May 2022

Reproduced without the permission of Asylum Matters, but they’ve not complained about us doing it so far…  Ongoing advocacy Nationality and Borders Act It was a sad, sorry day on 28th April when the Nationality and Borders Act was given Royal Assent following frantic last-minute ‘ping pong’ between the House of Commons and the Lords. […]

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Asylum Matters Yorkshire & Humber update – 8th December 2021

via Mary at Asylum Matters Urgent action: Please can I also draw your attention to the West Yorkshire joint statement against the Anti-refugee Bill, for which we are now seeking signatories. Please consider signing this statement on behalf of your group/organisation and please share with your wider networks if you can as we need as […]

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Asylum Matters Update: Advocacy, Resources & Recruitment, 8 November 2021

Ongoing advocacy Anti Refugee Bill The Committee stage of the Nationality and Borders Bill has come to an end; and following this week’s recess, the Bill will return to the floor of the House of Commons for its Third Reading. The latest version of the Bill following the Committee stage can be viewed here. Children’s […]

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Asylum Matters Yorkshire and Humber update: 16th September 2021

Thanks as usual to Asylum Matters for such an excellent briefing, which as usual, we produce in full Ongoing advocacy #Anti-Refugee Bill Campaigners and others continue to point out how the measures in the Government’s Nationality and Borders Bill – or anti-refugee bill –  will impact on all people seeking sanctuary in the UK, including […]

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Tell Black Health Agency what you think about the acronym BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic)

BHA for equality in health and social care, are carrying out a survey on the use of the acronym BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic). This is in the context of debates lately as to whether there are alternative phrases that would fair better in referring to certain communities. Please access the link below for […]

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Asylum Matters update 22th July 2021 – Bill second reading, resources for asylum support rates review and more

another update from Asylum Matters Ongoing Advocacy Nationality and Borders Bill/ New Plan for Immigration This week the Nationality and Borders Bill passed second reading in the House of Commons with 366 MPs voting in favour and 265 voting against. The Home Secretary, Priti Patel, introduced the Bill by noting that the Government was acting […]

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Asylum Matters: Contact Your MP on the Ant-Refugee Bill ahead of Second Reading in Parliament w/c 19th July 2021

A campaigning message from Mary at Asylum Matters. The only thing we’d add to this message is the advice from Hilary Benn on the last LMP chat – if you’re writing to your MP try and make it your own (as another former MP once put it: “I read the ones that constituents actually wrote, […]

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