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BBC3 want to speak to volunteers who do unusual things with refugees and asylum seekers

BBC3 have put a call out for volunteers who are working with asylum seekers and refugees, especially ones who do interesting or unusual things in the course of their volunteering.

They are wanting to produce some short positive films about the wonderful and amazing ways people offer support to people. Interesting or unusual (in this context) appears to mean something besides working on their asylum claim/appeal, sorting housing, money, work, healthcare.

So if you know a refugee or asylum seeker, do you go with them to the local ukelele orchestra, or to a Choir? Do you both act or attend a reading group? Do you make bunting or bath bombs? Do you paint old furniture or take photos of abandoned bus shelters?  Maybe you cook and swap recipes? Or perhaps you spend hours playing World of Warcraft online together (does anyone still spend hours playing Warcraft online?)

The focus seems to be on the volunteers, and BBC3 seem very relaxed about the refugees and asylum seekers not wanting to get involved.

If you, or anyone else you know might be interested, please get in touch with [email protected] for more details



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