A treasure trove of resources, collated by the British Council to help schools prepare for asylum seeking and refugee children, as well as resources for running lessons.
The list is a couple of years old now, but all the links still work, and there’s some really good stuff in here.
- A guide to good practice – supporting the education of asylum seeking and refugee children (DFES 2004) can be downloaded here
- Guidance on welcome, admission, induction and peer support for asylum seeking and refugee children from NALDIC can be seen here
- The Hertfordshire Grid for Learning gives advice on admission, induction and planning for newly arrived pupils and can be found here
- A detailed explanation of the asylum-seeking process can be found at Asylum Aid
- An Australian website which details a set of strategies for dealing with some of the common behaviours of refugee children in the classroom. Foundation House can be found here
- A free online tool by South East Grid for Learning (SEGfL) which can be used by schools to support the induction of newly arrived pupils. It is currently translated into 17 languages and can be found here
Links to websites with teaching resources
- New Arrivals Excellence Programme: Guidance and resources for meeting the needs of new arrivals in Primary and Secondary schools. (2007 DCSF) The PDF can be downloaded here
- Factual website with teaching resources for pupils and staff training here at the British Red Cross website (you have to dig around a bit to find them)
- Channel four’s Two Billion Miles interactive video, sharing stories of refugee and migrant journeys with teaching resources can be downloaded here.
- A Guardian article with links to pupil resources for KS1-5 can be found here
- Oxfam site which includes presentations and lesson plans can be found here
- Schools of Sanctuary celebrate good practice in schools that welcome asylum seeking and refugee families into their community and foster a culture of inclusion for all. Information about becoming a school of sanctuary and resources to use with pupils can be found here
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