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Refugees Welcome in Leeds? APPG Evidence Gathering Meeting, 2 – 4pm, Tuesday 6th September, Ebor Court

via Lorna at RAA

Earlier this summer, the All Party Parliamentary Group on Refugees launched an inquiry into the experiences of refugees in the UK. This is a great opportunity for refugees and those working with them to speak directly to Parliament about the challenges faced by those seeking sanctuary, and the kind of welcome they receive in the UK. You can find out more – from what an APPG is, to the full terms of reference for the inquiry – in our briefing here

We’re keen to make sure the voices of Leeds’ refugees – and refugee support organisations – are heard. But we also know that contributing to government inquiries can be time-consuming for small organisations and individuals. So we are hoping to facilitate a joint evidence submission to the Inquiry from refugees and refugee support organisations in Leeds.

Do you want to add your voice to a collective response? Do you know anyone else who’d like to be involved?

Join us for an evidence gathering forum at Ebor Court, Westgate, LS1 4ND on Tuesday 6th September from 2 – 4pm to help shape our submission. We’ll be talking about the key issues faced by new refugees, how we think things could be done better, and our vision for a welcoming city.

So we can make the meeting as productive as possible, please fill out our online survey to tell us your thoughts on the welcome that new refugees receive in the UK. Please send in your responses by the 1st September so I have time to read them before the meeting! This information will help form a basis for the our response. We also know that not everyone can attend meetings, so even if you can’t attend, please fill in the online survey anyway so your views are still included in the joint response.

Please email me directly or contact me on 07557 982 498 if you plan to join us on the 6th September at Ebor Court. As ever, please get in touch with me if you have any questions!


We hope to see you on the 6th!





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