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New Beginnings Fund – Leeds Community Foundation

New Beginnings has already had a successful ‘pilot’ stage. The fund began when a consortium of funders noticed that the increase in migrants to the UK was putting strain on community groups.

They also noticed that more people in the UK wanted to support refugees and asylum seekers. The funders felt that the best way to help was to fund small community groups. 45 groups were funded by the pilot. These were either refugee-led groups or local residents working to welcome refugees and asylum seekers. The aim of the fund is to increase community-based support for refugees and asylum seekers.


The New Beginnings Fund will provide funding of up to £10,000 for each project. Partnerships can bid for up to £20,000. Bids for lower amounts are welcome. All grants awarded are for the duration of one year.


  • 30 Oct 2016  –  Deadline for submitting expression of interest form
  •  7 Nov 2016   –  Groups invited to complete full application/informed of decision
  • 11 Dec 2016  –  Deadline for submitting full application form
  • 17 Feb 2017  –  Groups informed of decision (date subject to change)

For more details see

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