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Free will writing sessions in September: Ison Harrison with Leeds Community Foundation

You don’t “have” to leave donation to Leeds Community Foundation as part of your will, but they’re very much hoping you will.

More details can be found here

Please note

  • Slots are by appointment only
  • Callers who wish to book onto a session will call LCF (0113 242 2426) and will need to confirm their preferred date, time, their name, number, email and / or address if they prefer contact by post
  • We will log their details in a spreadsheet
  • If the slot they want to book onto is taken and there is no feasible alternative for them then we can add them to the waiting list. We will be able to let them know should someone cancel
  • Once we have taken their details we will tell them that we will follow up the call with:
    • An email / letter to confirm the slot
    • A short document with a bit more detail about us and why they should write a will
    • A list of the questions they will be asked at the will writing session so they know what to expect
    • Nearer to their session we will call or email them to remind them of their appointment

(please not the absence of jokes about compatibilists and determinists)

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