Dear all
Following my email last week, I am pleased to share details of some new courses we will be piloting in late October and again thank you for your support in sharing and displaying our material.
Steps to Settlement:
This course is particularly suitable for asylum seekers (eligibility criteria applies) as we focus on the processes and steps that people need to take when they receive their ‘refugee status’. There will be a large focus on language needed to navigate benefits/housing etc. Wraparound support will be provided from the advice team at RETAS. The course is intended to prepare asylum seekers for what to expect when they receive their status and minimise some stress.
Build your CV:
This short course is open to ESOL learners with very low language skills and learners will be supported afterwards by our advice team.
Digital skills:
We are still ‘open’ for learners who want to access our digital skills provision.
The above three courses are open to anyone (subject to residency criteria) attendees do not have to be a current RETAS client or RETAS learner.
If anyone is interested, they can contact us by phone/email or in person.
We are now recruiting for our next round of ESOL courses which will start in a few weeks, assessment dates are also attached, as before.
Any questions please do contact me.
Many thanks
Joanne Burgess
Learning Manager
RETAS – Refugee Education Training Advice Service
P: 07956940208
A: 233-237 Roundhay Road, Leeds, LS8 4HS
Working days: Monday to Friday 9am -5pm
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