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Resource of the week #87: Home Office Indicators of Integration Framework 2nd version 2019

The Home Office has recently released (June 2019) the second version of the Indicators of Integration, first released in 2004.  The framework is intended to provide ‘practical ways to design more effective strategies, monitor services and evaluate integration interventions’.  It is encouraging that integration is recognised as a shared responsibility and works on the assumption that integration benefits all communities.

The framework involves a Theory of Change with guide notes and an interactive toolkit to navigate all suggested indicators.  The indicators refer to publicly available data throughout and cover the following areas:

Domain 1

  1. Work
  2. Education
  3. Housing
  4. Health and Social Care
  5. Leisure

Domain 2

  1. Social bonds – with those you share a sense of identity
  2. Social bridges – with people from different backgrounds
  3. Social links – with institutions

Domain 3

  1. Language and Communication
  2. Culture
  3. Digital Skills
  4. Safety
  5. Stability

Domain 4

  1. Rights, responsibilities & citizenship

Part A of the guide notes introduces the Theory of Change for integration and includes case studies in Annex 1 of how the Theory of Change could be used depending on the size of the resource available.  Part B of the guide notes goes into more detail about using the Theory of Change to plan a programme and how the indicators are used to collect evidence for evaluation.

The framework and guidance should be useful for a wide range of providers and services.


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