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RESEARCH: Trafficked person interviews for university research

Dr Hannah Lewis of Sheffield university:

“Are you in touch with someone with experiences of support from services for trafficked persons? 

We are seeking people who are willing to be interviewed about the support they received from anti-trafficking groups (religious and non-religious).

The interviews form one part of the University of Sheffield and Leeds ESRC-funded study Apr 2017-Sep 2019,‘Understanding the roles of faith based organisations in anti-trafficking.’ The purpose is to better understand the growing role of religious charities in anti-trafficking, and what is distinctive about the services they provide. Our aim is for the findings to help improve services and therefore outcomes for trafficked people. We have a detailed plan to disseminate our findings and will be working with partners to produce resources for practitioners.

A general information sheet and flyer that can be used to recruit potential participants are attached and available here:

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We are particularly interested to speak to people who are no longer in the National Referral Mechanism and in a good place to think about the help they received.

The interview will last around one hour and will focus on post-trafficking support. We will not ask directly about trafficking experiences, although we understand this may come up, and will refer to appropriate services if the interviewee wants support.

We are happy to travel to a suitable location to conduct the interview or pay travel for an interviewee. We will meet or talk on the phone with anyone interested to ensure they fully understand the process and their right to withdraw at any time before proceeding. All interviewees will be anonymised, so they will not be identifiable. Interviews can take place in languages other than English; the interviewee can let us know if they have a preferred interpreter.

For further information or to refer a potential interviewee, please contact either Research Associate, Dr Gwyneth Lonergan, on 0114 222 6428 or [email protected] , or Principal Investigator Dr Hannah Lewis, [email protected]



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