Crisis are currently undertaking scoping research to inform their future work around migrant homelessness. This survey will support them with this work helping them to better understand the range of activity that is currently happening to support migrant people experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of homelessness.
The survey covers a range of topics looking at the support or services that organisations provide, your experiences of working with migrant homeless people, and your opinions on both barriers and solutions. We appreciate the time taken for you to support us with completing this survey to the best of your knowledge.
We have broken down migrant groups into three main categories:
- EEA nationals
- Asylum seekers and refugees
- Migrants with NRPF or irregular residence status
However there is opportunity to identify other groups if you feel appropriate.
By homelessness we mean those experiencing the most acute forms of homelessness or living in short term emergency or temporary accommodation. This includes those sleeping rough, sleeping in cars, tents, or public transport, squatting, unsuitable non residential accommodation e.g. sheds, hostels, night shelters, refuges, unsuitable temporary accommodation e.g. bed and breakfasts, and sofa surfing – staying with others on a short term, insecure basis.
By at risk of homelessness we mean anyone at risk of homelessness within 56 days, including those leaving state institutions with no planned accommodation including asylum accommodation, prison, or hospitals.
When answering the survey please consider anyone that falls within these groups.
If you have any questions on the survey or the research in general please contact Sophie Boobis at [email protected]
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